- Kei Mouth, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Walk out of your front door and onto the beach. Ideal for small families and couples. Seabreeze is a self-contained two-storey apartment with 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, an open veranda / patio with braai area, deck and private beach entrance. The kitchen is well-equipped with pots, pans, kettle, toaster, cutlery, crockery etc. No loadshedding blues as guests can benefit greatly from solar energy as a supportive power source.
During your stay, you can experience the endless enjoyment of fresh ocean air and the constant sound of the sea. At the same time, you are close to all the activities that the seaside villages of Kei Mouth and Morgan Bay have to offer. Experience crossing the Kei River on a ferry and venturing into the Wild Coast. Trennerys and Seagulls Hotel are easily accessible on this route.
Seabreeze sleeps max 6 people
3 Bedrooms: 1 Queen bed, 1 Double bed
Explora-3 Decoder
& a single bed with an extra pull-out bed S
ide-by-side fridge-freezer
3 Bathrooms (2 are en-suite)
Electric Stove and Oven
1 Balcony with sea views
Pots, pans, cutlery ∓ crockery
Patio with table and chairs
Private beach entrance
Electric kettle & toaster
Braai facilities and utensils
Coffee plunger
Bed Linen and Bath towels
Hot tray
Ceiling fans in living room & bedrooms
Single lock-up garage
Solar energy as a supportive energy source
1-plate induction stove
Sea Breeze sleeps a maximum of 6 people
Managed by Offshore Marketing on behalf of Kei Mouth Owners and Residents Association
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