Kei Mouth Tourism

St. Peter's Church

St. Peter's Church, Kei Mouth

The beautiful church of St Peter’s, Kei Mouth was consecrated in 1962. Ever since then Sunday services have been held by the DRC, Anglican, Methodist and Praise and Worship congregations. Visitors are most welcome to attend these services, details of which appear on the Church notice board and in the Mor-Kei Echo. Additional services are held during the Christmas and Easter holidays and details of these are published in the Mor-Kei Echo and in notices around Kei Mouth and Morgan Bay.

The Church has a large, well maintained garden and a very pleasing interior which is enhanced by a wood-panelled ceiling. Wall-hangings, embroidered by members of the Kei-Mor Needlework Guild, depicting flowers and plants mentioned in the Bible, are a striking feature of the church.

Weddings & Funerals

Cheryl Forword: 082 578 2319
Barbara Godlonton: 073 259 1746

Wall Of Remembrance

Andrew Mundell: 083 625 5728
Roy Forword: 082 772 4217

Monthly Services

N.G. Kerk Diens: 1ste Sondag 09:00vm Praise and Worship: 2nd Sunday 09:00am Roman Catholic: 2nd Sunday 11:30am Methodist: 3rd Sunday 09:00am
N.G. Kerk Wyksbyeenkoms: 3rde Sondag 11:00vm
Anglican: 4th Sunday 09:00am

Contact Info for Each Denomination

Catholic: John Tuck (082 492 2278)
Anglican: René Coulson (083 309 5860)
Methodist: Ian Forword (072 627 8979)
NG: Johann Trollip (083 381 3695)
Interdenominational: Irene van der Westhuizen (079 362 4493)

St Peter’s is the ideal venue for a country marriage ceremony, ie a church wedding. The church is within in easy reach of several venues (Neptune’s CoveThe ShedThe Venue at Morgan Bay Hotel and Mitford Hotel) which cater for receptions.

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